A distributed data-mining software platform for EXTReme dAta Across the Compute conTinuum
Financed by
Horizon Europe
01/01/2023 – 31/12/2025
Total project cost
EUR 4 997 875
Integrating cloud, edge, and HPC technologies for trustworthy, accurate, fair and green data mining workflows for actionable knowledge
- Enable the development of complex and secure data mining workflows
- Develop novel data-driven orchestration mechanisms to efficiently deploy and execute data mining workflows
- Fully exploit the performance capabilities of the compute continuum to address extreme data characteristics
- Deliver the EXTRACT software platform and demonstrate its benefits in 2 use cases: Personalized Evacuation Routes and Transient Astrophysics

EXTRACT – Use case 1
Personalised Evacuation Route
in Venice
EXTRACT – Use case 2
Transient Astrophysics with a square Kilometre Array Pathfinder